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Chou Kuan-Jou is based in Taipei, Taiwan, specializing in embodied creative practices, performance, movement design, and dance education. Their work also extends into social advocacy, including sex volunteering with Hand Angels. Kuan has devoted time to the artistic practice of the "Lust Body," employing the fluidity of sexuality as a strategy to reframe boundaries. Through tactile practice, this approach expands into a dance-based dialogical space, concentrating on the manifestation of bodily politics. The work "TOMATO" received five-star reviews and several awards at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Later, it was invited to perform at The Coronet Theatre in London and Melbourne Fringe.

Kuan has been invited to international events such as CND Camping 2019, Tanzmesse 2022, da:ns lab 2023 at Dance Nucleus, Perth Moves 2024, Transmission Impossible at Avignon Festival 2024, and Watch& Talk at Zürcher Theater Spektakel. In 2021, the "Nyu Shu Movement" project which was cohosted with artist Chen Yi-Chin was showcased at the SEA: Residency in the CLOUD in Taiwan, the Loei Art Festival in Thailand, and the BUoY Art Festival in Tokyo.

 周寬柔,臺灣臺北人。從事身體創作、表演、動作設計與舞蹈教育相關工作。近年專注於「情慾身體」藝術實踐,以性流動作為鬆動邊界的策略,透過觸覺感知擴延出一個舞蹈性的對話空間。實踐方法包含不僅限於身體練習、工作坊分享、行為展演等。曾參與台北藝穗節、三十沙龍、漂鳥平台、嘉義新舞風等平台計畫,也曾受邀參訪巴黎CND Camping 2019、德國Tanzmesse 2022、新加坡Dance Nucleus da:ns lab 2023、西澳STRUT Dance Perth Moves 2024、法國亞維儂藝術節Transmission Impossible 2024和瑞士劇場藝術節Watch&Talk 2024等活動。2021與夥伴陳詣芩共作「女殊運動」計畫受邀參與泰國Loei、日本東京等地方藝術節。2022作品《TOMATO》代表臺灣季至愛丁堡藝穗節演出,獲得五星好評與The Bobby Award殊榮,並在2024年受邀至倫敦皇冠劇院、墨爾本藝穗節演出。

曾與安娜琪舞蹈劇場、舞蹈空間舞團、驚喜製造、進港浪製作、明日和合製作所、找我劇場、臺灣國樂團、臺北愛樂合唱團、許程崴舞蹈製作舞團......等團隊合作演出,亦曾與蘇品文、鴻鴻、Iván Pérez、紀柏豪、李俐錦、陳乂......等藝術家合作。 

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